The free app limits you to three project folders, but for $1 you can have an unlimited number. You can also arrange recordings in project folders. The parts you bookmark are saved as individual audio files (.m4a), along with a file of the entire recording. You can also use Pio to upload finished recordings to Dropbox or Google Drive (a one-time, $1 in-app purchase). Later, Pio lets you go right to the good part instead of forcing you to listen to the full session. After 5 minutes, he reverts to the blah-blah-blah, so you tap the screen again to end the bookmark. Suddenly, he has a lucid moment and starts talking about something you’re interested in - you just tap your iPhone screen to mark the spot. The presenter is blah-blah-blahing about stuff you don’t care about. Say you’re recording a conference session. While there’s certainly no shortage of apps you can use to record meetings and interviews, Pio Smart Recorder (free for iOS) differs because it lets you tap to bookmark important sections of recordings.